I was stunned and astonished by the way STTA President Lee Bee Wah way of handling the current issue of team manager - coach saga.
The issue right now is not about foreign talent or local talent. The focus point should be on the way it is being handled and being grateful for the efforts put in by the winning team. Dare you say the coaches has no part in the success.
It is plain high handedness..this is a sport organisation. You don't run a such organisation the way you run your business or constituent.
I believed as a elected MP to represent the people and to take on elected office in the government, you should have shown some form of tactfulness, PR-management, sense of timing on releasing your decision and last but not least.. EQ!
Such organisation is about people, relationship, bonding.. you got to run this organisation with humanity, understanding and passion for the game and the people.
Team manager Lee and Chief Coach Liu guodong(coach since 2006 with STTA-women team) and together with players, Lee Jia Wei, Wang Yuegu, Feng Tian Wei, brought back the long waited Olympic medal.
Years of training, 48 years of long wait came over Olympic Silver Medal, with a single decision of yours(bee wah) you sacked the two. And now you claimed that you never use the word 'sack'. Then could it be that SPH misquote you? If so I challenge you to sue SPH. For misleading the public and putting Singapore, STTA, other organisations and yourself in a bad light.
Look here Bee Wah, both Lee and Liu has done well in their assignment in getting the Silver for Singapore. Right now they are HOT in DEMAND!
It is to Singapore disadvantage if they were asked to leave STTA, I am sure neighbouring table-tennis association will be please to offer them better contracts!
Sincerely, this is NOT the kind of Member of Parliament I will vote into Parliament. We should be of a society that is ready to admit to mistakes, review them, be forgiving and see how mistakes can be avoided in future.
Didn't the PM Lee speaks about being a gracious society during his National Rally speech? How can we fellow Singaporeans follow such lead when our leaders are not gracious?
Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.
We cannot denied the fact that damage has been done to the morale of the table-tennis team. Hurt is done and is hard to undo. What impression will it give to the in-coming coaches and team manager?
Is STTA a place that doesn't allow mistake? Is there no room for errors or failure?
On the last note, i call for,
Mr Teo Chee Hean, President of Singapore National Olympic Council
Mr Ng Ser Miang, Vice-President SNOC (also a IOC Executive Board Member)
Dr Tan Eng Liang, Singapore Chef De Commission
Mr Teo Ser Luck, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports
To review the decision made by STTA President Lee Bee Wah & to decide on her future as STTA President.
We must knowledge the efforts put in by the team manager and coaching team. 48 years of wait, they brought back the Olympic Medal Singapore long for..
If Singapore were to continue it's quest for more medals and glory in the World Sports we must send the right signal to World. If we allow such sacking at the pleasure of one women, I doubt good coaches or players would want to put on the National Colours and play for Singapore.
My Salute to you Liu guodong and Anthony Lee. I would definitely want you guys to stay on! Go for 2012 London!
Tactless, Untimely Diplomacy
Posted by Chong | 8/26/2008 01:20:00 AM | Edwin's Thoughts | 1 comments »Not much preparation was done for this run, except of a jog on the thread mill 3 weeks prior to the run.
I clocked 45mins for 5km run on the thread mill. But the end result for the actual 6km fun run with my friend Janus was around 1hr 15mins, time was spent taking photos during the route. Not a amazing result, could have done better..hope to do better next year. Of cos with some preparation, I hope I can sign up for 21km run.

Have a Blessed Holiday!!!
My parents are off for their monthly Star Cruise outing. Thus giving me the opportunity to 'mess' up the kitchen with my cooking. Since as a young boy I always love cooking, the earliest I can recall when I was with my nanny at the age of 5years old.
Whenever she cooks, I will definitely join her in the kitchen. So far the furthest I went in cooking and successfully will be Fried Rice and Fried Bee
But this time, it will be my first in making Marsh Potato from scratch using raw materials.. and quick successful but the downside will be.. is a little bit to salty.
Here is the steps:
Here, I took five potatoes, put them into a pot of water and bring it to boil. This process took me about 15 to 20 minutes.
This stage, I transfer the cooked potatoes into a bowl of tap water. First it cool down the potatoes. With the 'contraction' between the potato skin and the potato itself, it will be easier to peel off the potato skin.

3) Pour in desired amount of milk to the richness you want.
4) Sprinkle some salt and pepper.
5) Generous amount of beacon bits.
6) Dish up the cooked marsh potato.
Here is the end product, easy to make right? Well it is my very 1st time making marsh potato from scratch. Previously I will buy off the shelve pre-mix. Not bad for a first-timer like me right?