"The Impossible Record" - 15 Illusions in 5 min by JC Sum & Magic Babe Ning
Posted by Chong | 6/29/2009 12:38:00 AM | Interesting Video Clips | 1 comments »USA for Africa - We Are The World
Posted by Chong | 6/27/2009 02:08:00 AM | Current Affairs, Edwin's Thoughts | 0 comments »Another of my favourite, written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie. I was still a small primary 4 boy, 10 year of age, when this song became popular in Singapore, the tune and lyrics really caught me and I liked it immediately.
The Lyrics:
There comes a time
When we head a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can't go on
Pretneding day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of
God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
Michael Jackson - Heal the World
Posted by Chong | 6/27/2009 01:38:00 AM | Current Affairs, Edwin's Thoughts | 0 comments »A shocking piece of news as I was driving to work, when the news came on thru the radio that, Michael Jackson has passed away due to cardiac arrest. A pop star has just died.
One of my very first exposure to Michale Jackson song while I was a secondary school kid, a classmate of mine brought a cassette tape along a history field trip to Malacca and requested the coach driver to play in on the radio and that very song is "Heal the World" and the other is "Black or White" among others. However "Heal the World" is still my favourite.
Unfortunate that he is unable to come out to complete his World Tour to made good of his debts and his 'bads'.
Folding Plug H 264 World's Thinnest
Posted by Chong | 6/26/2009 02:21:00 AM | Interesting Video Clips | 0 comments »We hate plugs. Especially when you have to put them in your bag and they don't quite fit, or they scratch up your laptop. UK plugs are some of the biggest in the world, and that irked one designer enough to totally re-imagine them.
The folding plug concept has been visited before, but never to this radical a degree. The new design measures just 1cm thick when collapsed, but takes a moment to fold out for use.
Is a very innovative and creative idea. Never came across my mind that a common AC plug can be collapsed into such compared size. Definitely a ideal travel companion!!
I saved $21.45 for a full tank of fuel
Posted by Chong | 6/22/2009 11:25:00 PM | Renewable energy | 0 comments »Not too long ago a similar post was posted..however I am here to share abit more!
Sorry, guys..got to apologized to all. The title might have made you happy? Well, yes indeed I really saved $21.45 for a full tank of fuel. But is diesel not the common petrol.
Months ago a friend introduced me to Bio-diesel. Bio-diesel is a clean and green form of fuel, first of all it does not deplete any oil used for food processing. Oils are collected back from stalls or restaurant by Alpha Bio Diesel and processed as diesel.
The plus point is that bio diesel cleaned up your engine and precent black sooth from forming inside your exhaust and does prevent pollution to the environment and less maintance fees when you visit the workshop.
A petrol of diesel cost around $1.24 per liter and bio-diesel cost me around $0.85cents. Original price of bio diesel is $1.00 per liter and they are having a 15% discount.
Every liter of bio-diesel I pumped saved me $0.39cents. And very time I would need to pump 55 liters. Thus a saving of $21.45 per full tank. Imagine I my frequency is 4 times monthly. That will bring a saving of $1029.60
Sufficient for me to pay 2 months of vehical installment and some spare change for another 3 full tanks.
So, if you know of anyone using a diesel engine to spread the news to them and GREEN the environment together!
*No my worry is will government 'eye' this bio diesel and create a 'bio diesel tax'???
Wind Power - Doing it offshore
Posted by Chong | 6/21/2009 02:08:00 AM | Renewable energy | 0 comments »
Offshore wind farms can only be placed in water up to 131 feet (40 meters) deep, but floating wind turbines are a relatively new concept designed to take advantage of the high-speed winds located farther out at sea.
Since they don't have to be physically buried in the sea floor, floating turbines can be placed in water as deep as 2,297 feet (700 meters).
Even more appealing, perhaps, is the greater energy capacity of these floating turbines. While winds moving across land may only average speeds around 13 feet (4 meters) per second due to obstructions like hills and trees, winds blowing over the open ocean reach speeds at least twice as fast.
Some reports suggest that wind farms could provide up to 15 percent of the world's future energy needs
StatoilHydro, a Norwegian energy company, has plans to construct the world's first full-scale floating wind farm in 2009. According to the company's Web site, each turbine will weigh a total of 5,842 tons (5,300 metric tons). The turbine will stand 213 feet (65 meters) above sea level, while a 328-foot (100-meter).
SIA pilots take pay cut?? How about our ministers?
Posted by Chong | 6/21/2009 01:06:00 AM | Current Affairs, Edwin's Thoughts | 2 comments »It came to be a big surprised that the Alpa-S (Air Line Pilots Association - Singapore) has agreed and taken pay cut due to the recent economic crisis.
Alpa-S is known for their tough stand in agreeing to pay cuts, those who remember many years ago, in the 80s, where the airline pilots went on strike and how LKY wanted to use the Reservist Act to recall Air Force pilots to fly SIA plane?
Yes, the pay cuts is huge, between 10% to 20%.
1,800 pilots agreed to 1 day of no pay leave per month and 65% cut of one day's pay a month, pro-rated from their monthly basic salary.
SIA Chairman Chew Choon Seng, has taken a 20% paycut. It too came to a surprised that Chew Choon Seng is drawing the similar salary as PM Lee Hsien Loong, $3.25 million to $3.5 million per annum, according to the airline's annual report 2008. Basic salary formed 38% the rest in form of bonuses and benefits.
A 20% pay cut would means $650,000 less yearly and $54,000 monthly and $1,805 less daily. At the end of the day Chew Choon Seng still get his $2,600,000. million yearly.
Based on Chew's caculation, if the cabinet and MPs of Singapore can take a cut of 20%... do your own maths, you should see the saving is very much substantial.
The number of confirmed H1N1 flu here has crossed the 100 mark. Yesterday registered the highest cases in a single day, 26 cases.
It seems that the young are more prone in getting the H1N1 flu. Could it be of a weaker immune system? The cases here is expected to rise, most important is to keep a healthy lifestyle, eat well, rest well, sleep well.
Sad to hear another confirmed cases coming from the Asian Youth games, a Philippine football team. Because of that 22 team members plus 2 Singapore official has to be quarantine at Aloha rest and the match postpone.
Dams along yellow river risk collapsing
Posted by Chong | 6/21/2009 12:05:00 AM | Renewable energy | 0 comments »Bad, improper and hastily construction was the main reason to has caused dams to collapsed just one to two years after being built. Another reason could be embezzlement of funds for the construction of dam.
Based on reports from China, a total of 59 dams nationwide in China were breached between 1999 and 2008, 20 caused by quality defects and the rest by torrential rains.
More than 40% or 37,000 - are in otential danger of overflowing. One worst dam accidents occured in Henan province in 1975, when a collapse at one dam triggered a domino effect, casing about 26,000 people to drown. Over 100,000 more may have died in the subsequent famine and disease outbreaks.
Well, afterall the safety and counstrction and many more things in China may not be up to standard.. remember the 'Sanlu' milk incident? Wonder when will China raised it's safety standard.
Building sub-standard dams definitely will caused more harm to the environment than good to it.
14 "banned" from entering Singapore Casino
Posted by Chong | 6/20/2009 11:57:00 PM | Current Affairs | 0 comments »Family members in Singapore have signed up for their family members to be banned from casino. The main reason..compulsive gambling.
There were many enquiries on the how about to put family members on the 'barred list' however only 14 families have gone beyond enquiring about these orders to sitting through interviews with counselors to share how the gambler's actions have hurt them, before such family exclusion orders are issued.
Also, later this year, Singaporeans can 'voluntarily' 'ban' themselves from the casinos. Also a total of 29,000 undischarged bankrupts will also be barred from casino too.
Should I get myself barred too?? Just for the fun of it?
Where the Heck is Matt.. I mean Lee Bee Wah
Posted by Chong | 6/12/2009 11:21:00 AM | Edwin's Thoughts | 0 comments »Ok.. after so much 'hypes' and publicity by online groups to started with a petition for resignation and another petition to award a 'special award' to Liu Guo Dong and yet another petition to DPM Teo Chee Hean.
All these seem fruitless, so I wonder whether is there still avenue to redress people's sentiment to the government? The government had make their stand clear, that STTA should resolve this issue with Liu Guo Dong amicably, thus governement is washing their hands off this matter.
Is Lee Bee Wah shielded? just becos she is an MP or and MP in 'someboby' ward or GRC?
Petition to remove Lee Bee Wah as STTA President stand at 5772 signatories as for now.
Petition to DPM Teo Chee Hean to award a 'special award' to Liu Guo Dong stands at 164.
Numbers are going down, evern with the recent Hong Lim Park Petition only managed to garner 57 signatures. Perhaps under the watchful eye of the media, public are less forthcoming to pen in their signature.
As for now, it seems that the whole eposide as died down...
Alert Level 6: Full-blown flu pandemic
Posted by Chong | 6/12/2009 10:49:00 AM | Edwin's Thoughts | 0 comments »
Work up this morning, turning on the TV set in my room.. and it was showing a WHO press conference. It's official, the recent Swine flu also known as H1N1 influenza alert level was raise to the highest. Level 6 = A full-blown pandemic.
This crisis has escalated into the world’s first influenza pandemic in 40 years after infecting tens of thousands of people in 74 countries.
WHO director general Margaret Chan said the declaration of a “moderate” pandemic should not spark panic and did not mean the death toll from A(H1N1), which currently stands at 144, would rise sharply.
“Quite on the contrary, many people having mild disease will recover without medicine in some cases, and it is good news, but the tendency to move into complacency is our biggest concern,” she added. This is true compared to the SARS period where it was more deadly virus and Singapore was quite badly affected too.Sooner or later this H1N1 will 'circulate' itself round the world, so it is better to get it at a later stage, where more knowledge of the virus is known to the researchers and doctors. And by then a vaccine will have been found. Patients getting it will have better access to treatment.
Heating up..Global Warming
Posted by Chong | 6/12/2009 10:36:00 AM | Edwin's Thoughts | 0 comments »
Recently weather in Singapore is extremely hot! Usually I will shower twice a day but with the recent weather I need another shower before going to bed. Even with that is still hot and humid with the 'sticky' feeling on you..how to get a good night sleep?
News article reported that the weather in Singapore for the next few days is expected to rise to 36 degree Celsius. Weather yesterday recorded at 35 degree Celsius. Gosh! yesterday was hot enough, luckily I am in a air-con environment at work except when I am at home.
Let's hope such weather will not cause an further spread og H1N1 or the breeding of dengue mosquito. Indirectly it will affect the Singapore economy.
Singapore economy to shrink 6.5% this year :Economist
Posted by Chong | 6/12/2009 12:34:00 AM | Edwin's Thoughts | 0 comments »
The forecast is out for Singapore economy outlook to shrink by 6.5%. This is worse than the 4.9 per cent contraction predicted in the previous survey in March. But the headline number is still at the more optimistic end of the government’s forecast of a 6 to 9 per cent contraction. (1st quarter was a -10.1%)
Economists and analysts who took part in the latest quarterly survey also expect a jobless rate of 4.2 per cent by the end of the year, according to the survey released on Wednesday. This is slightly better than the 4.4 per cent unemployment rate forecast in March.
Job cycles usually lag 2 to 3 quarters behind the economic cycle but economists are optimistic that the job situation will improve by year end.
I do think and hope the worst may well be over for the Singapore economy, after the economy shrank 10.1 per cent on year in the first quarter.
That leads me to recall a projection by a Church member who is a lecturer at a local polytechnic they he do see the economy to level-out by 2nd quarter.
Another Church member who is in the distribution line also see some green shoots..as for me who is in the retail sector..well..still need to hang on abit more cos this sector usually is the last to feel any effect, be it upturn or downturn.
Noah's Ark Replica Video
Posted by Chong | 6/11/2009 09:35:00 AM | Public Attractions | 0 comments »A great amusement park was built in Hong Kong, is a 'excat' replica of the biblical story of Noah's Ark. The Ark is meant to demonstrate traditional values and spread positive values. And of cos to retrace the biblical journey and how life was like in those time.
The Ark is on a 270,000-square-foot site on Ma Wan Island overlooking the Rambler Channel and Tsing Ma Bridge. There are five levels each with a different theme. The ground floor will have a sea-front restaurant and banquet hall and the first floor will have a large multi-media exhibition hall. The second floor will be devoted to life education and the third floor will house a children’s museum and learning centre.
The top floor will be a sea view hotel. The Ark is surrounded by greenery including topiary animals, a huge swing, amphitheatre, cycle paths and the Nature Garden. The backdrop of green hills, traditional village and Ma Wan heritage will make the area a new cultural tourism attraction.
Major Noah's Ark facilities
* Ark Garden and Expo
The path leading to the Ark will be lined by 67 pairs of sculptures of endangered or rare wild animals to teach visitors about their characteristics. The sculptures, waterfalls and ponds in the garden surrounding the Ark will remind visitors to love animals and treasure the environment.
The Ark Expo will allow visitors to experience an exciting adventure. They will be able to watch a 180° screen showing the connection between the Ark and the future of mankind, and also feel the flood that covered the earth. There will be models of the ark and a colourful animal kingdom including the only honey-pot ants on display in Asia, allowing visitors to appreciate the wonders of nature and see and understand the challenges the earth is facing in the 4D theatre.
* Noah's Adventureland
Adventure Land will challenge visitors' courage. It will have an eight-metre giant swing, challenging participants to a 'leap of faith' and a rope ladder by the sea will allow people to experience 'walking on air'. A rock climbing wall will test physical and mental strength.
* Treasure House
Treasure House will be a children's museum for training young minds. It will have 15 fun-filled galleries with themes covering life education, development of the mind and liberal education. It will encourage children to think and be creative and learn through interactive games and activities. They will learn to develop character in the global village, build confidence through drama lessons, learn to make music, learn science by observing the earth in action and apply their imaginations to different arts and crafts.
* Ark Life Education House
The Ark Life Education House will provide visitors the chance to explore the true meaning of life in its different stages through innovative, interactive games. People will be able to set personal goals and trace their steps through life; addressing challenges in the interactive forum. They will be able to learn what life means and how to achieve harmony of the body and mind. It will be ideal for school trips, corporate training and visits by individuals and organizations.
* Noah's Resort and Harvest Restaurant
Guests staying in the Noah's Hotel will be able to experience life on the Ark enjoying sunshine and greenery in Ma Wan Park or seeing the historic Ma Wan village within walking distance of the park. They will also be able to have coffee on the coffee lounge. The hotel will offer double / twin rooms and hostel dorms with their own bathroom for groups of four to eight people.
Wow!!!! I must really visit it one day! Wonder how is it like to be in the Noah's Ark with those animals! Remember that the news mentioned there are actually hotel room inside the 'Noah's Ark'.
The Straits Times reported that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s choice of taking commercial flights while on overseas visits was praised by a South Korean official and the country’s best-selling national newspaper.
Mr Lee Hsien Loong had arrived on a commercial flight at Incheon airport in Seoul and was waiting to check in for the flight to Jeju at Gimpo airport. He was asked by South Korean Finance Minister Yoon Jeung Hyun why he chose to fly commercial.
The South Korean Finance Minister asked: ‘Why doesn’t the leader of an affluent country use a private or charter jet?’ noting that Singapore’s per capita GDP was about twice that of South Korea’s.
Mr Lee Hsien Loong replied, he did not think Singapore was an affluent country, the Korean daily reported.
Isn’t it an irony that the Prime Minister of a country which is non affluent by his own admission, is the highest paid leader in the world?(more then all the G8 leaders combined!
South Korean President is paid 16 million wons a month or only S$18,340 (1 won = $0.000115) in comparison to Prime Minister’s monthly salary of approximately $250,000+. or nearly $3.2million a year
Given the "pittance" salary given to the South Korean President, it is not too much to entitle him to the use of a private jet a few times a year on his travels.
iphone 3G Price to drop, rumour or not?
Posted by Chong | 6/11/2009 01:50:00 AM | Thrifty Treats | 0 comments »
Finally the WWDC 09 keynote is over: the iPhone 3G S is here. According to sources, a new iPhone with double the RAM and double the speed and with built in camera, will be released today, priced at the same price point as the current iPhone 3G.
The current iPhone 3G will then be branded as the “lower end” model, with the price dropping drastically to USD99, compared to USD199 and USD299 previously.
Will Singapore see a drastic drop too? As for me right now, iphone looks cool to me but not essential. Still stick to my Sony Ericsson.
Looking back my 1st phone was back in 1999.. a Ericsson, followed by another.. with a flip cover..then it was Nokia..and later back to Sony Ericsson.
Perhaps i might win or iphone somehow? haaa
Great Singapore Sales @ Fusionpolis
Posted by Chong | 6/09/2009 12:12:00 AM | Thrifty Treats | 0 comments »My Wine Shop accept phone orders. FREE Delivery for residents in Holland Village, Bukit Timah, Dover, Katong, Mountbatten, with minimum purchase of $100.

The 8th case of H1N1 in Singapore was from a 15-YEAR-OLD Singaporean student, studying in India, became the island's eighth case of novel H1N1 influenza, or A (H1N1).
He was also the first to be picked up by the thermal scanner at Changi Airport. The boy had been in Orlando and Atlanta in the United States on a school trip from May 17 to last Sunday.
His fever was detected by the airport scanners when he arrived Monday in Singapore from Atlanta via Mumbai. He had been feverish during the flight and was seated at 39K on Singapore Airlines SQ421.
Wonder will there still be any more imported case of H1N1? So far there is no sign of spreading within the community. Hope everything will be fine.