It was reported that Liu Guo dong, left Singapore on 18th May without any settlement with STTA.
Liu Guo Dong commented:
"After two discussions, Lee Bee Wah wasn’t even present once. I think with this attitude, they say one thing, and then mean another. They have not honestly acknowledged this matter. I will not sign anything with them because I have no relationship with them."
He also said "He is still not satisfied and plans to return to Singapore to pursue the matter." although he did not give a date.
An article I read on
With the writer from My PAPAER,Mr Teo Kueh Liang, asking for a inquiry on why Liu left the Singapore team...
Mr Teo wrote:
Firstly, the question needs to be asked: Why did Liu leave Singapore for a country which was unfamiliar to him, especially in terms of its environment, language and culture?
Moreover, he abandoned a team in which he had invested time and passion over a period of time.
Secondly, did Liu leave Singapore for better pay, a better future or for other reasons?AsiaOne - May 10, 2009
In the first place, I believe Liu acted in a commercial way, he has a family to feed and his career to care for, back then he already said the offer from STTA is below what he in short "no deal".
Third, with regards to the 'abandoning a team', was Liu really abandoning a team? Yes, he put in the efforts and time with the girls but again was he appreciated at the end?
So what conduct what inquiry?? No case for inquiry!! most important let's settle the issue of Lee Bee Wah's remarks made on Liu Guo Dong!
Don't you remember the 'Bak Chow Mee" thingy?
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