
End of In Camp Training

Posted by Chong | 7/10/2008 01:15:00 AM | 0 comments »

9th July is the end of my 22days long of ICT(In Camp Training). And it is also for 2years running my ICT coincide with Exercise CARAT(Cooperation Afloat Readiness And Training). A series of bilateral exercises between the US sailors with their regional counterparts.

Having completed my 7th ICT, I am left with 3 more years to go before I stand down and be posted to MR Unit. At least I do know the schedule of my 1 of my last 3 ICT, that is live range!!! Actually..I am looking forward to live range, kind of remind me of my BMT days!

At least of for the next one year I won't be using my No4 uniform...

Let's end my ICT with this video clip..well..i don't come from Jack Neo Era though...


JIVE "The driver of Intenet Marketing"