
TV Show - Are you smarter then a 5th grader

Posted by Chong | 5/13/2008 01:20:00 AM | 3 comments »

I was watching the program "Are you smarter then a 5th grader..

and this guy was asked the question "What is the Capital of United Kingdom". At first he gave the answer as 'London' and later was unsure of himself. He decided to peek at his 'classmate'.....

What amazed me was... the correct answer is "Georgia"

My reaction: :x *dumbfolded*

No wonder their President can mistaken Singapore as part of China...


  1. Lawrence Ee // May 14, 2008 at 11:17 AM  

    i also dunno United Kingdom capital is Georgia leh.. i thought it was London.. so i also not as smart as a 5th grader

  2. Unknown // May 14, 2008 at 3:01 PM  

    but hor..go and google lar..

    a relative migrated to Arkansa(pronounce is Ark-kan-sor) not Sa..

    aniwei, she said.. Americans are bad n geography...

  3. Hebrew_Star // May 16, 2008 at 7:26 AM  

    Uncle, its Arkansas.... hee hee...

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