
What are Singapore Youth up to?

Posted by Chong | 4/30/2008 03:45:00 PM | 1 comments »

Reading at an article on page 2 of "TODAY" paper, the title "Under 20 and HIV-positive". The title itself is shocking enough.

Reading on.. quote "Nine youth - six of them males - between the ages 10 and 19 were diagnosed as HIV-positive last year.."

Oh my! at age 10 and HIV-positive? Well not much information was given on the 10year old youth, was it thru blood transfusion or thru other means of contact . Can't understand the thinking of youths nowadays, either they are just ignorant or promiscuous. They is such thing called..1st time 'lucky'.

Parents ought to be more involved in the their children lives, and perhaps sex education should be taught in primary school instead of waiting till they reach secondary.


  1. Lawrence Ee // May 3, 2008 at 10:04 AM  

    well in today Straits Times.
    South Korean youth have a trend of Senior students forcing themself sexually on the junior students. The rates has increase and schools are covering up the cases.

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