The triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
Posted by Chong | 4/05/2009 11:25:00 PM | Church Event, Do U know why? | 0 comments »Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna in the Highest!
Palm Sunday marks the day of Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem, which always falls on the Sunday before Easter Sunday.
With accordance to the scriptures, Jesus sent two disciples into a village to untie a donkey from a tree which was never ridden. And the owner would ask about it and the disciples to replied "The Lord needed it..."
Jesus then rode the donkey into Jerusalem, with people putting their cloaks on the road along side with palm leaves so as to make it more comfortable.
But later in the week, Jesus was betrayed by Judas suffered on the Cross, paid the price of sin so that the world may be saved who ever believe in Him.
Holy Communion will be received...
Yes, It is indeed a time of celebration of Jesus triumphant entry! Come tomorrow, Maundy Thursday, my Church will practice this tradition of "Stripping of the Church" ; working in complete silence, everything in relation to worship is removed one by one each and every item of decoration — vessels, paraments, candles, candlesticks, vases, flags, banners — and everything used in worship other than furniture.
It is to symbolize shame in early days that the Saviour has died versus the joy we experience in our worship came at the cost of the death of the One we worship.
After the 'stripping' the Choir will take their leave followed by switching of the lights and the congregation depart in silence with no Benediction given..